Praise and Worship Ministry:
The praise and worship ministry is headed by Deacon George Ofori Amankwa. Men and women who love to enhance the worship experience in the church join this ministry. Meeting once during the week, they have extensive practices that equip them for the regular Sunday services. Ideas are interchanged and welcome during these practices. As Deacon George likes to put it, “We try to make the worship experience the best. Why? Because that is one thing I believe God comes for. God comes to deliver and heal, but the sweet aroma of worship is what The Lord loves the most. There is nothing more precious.”
Worship/Prayer/Fasting: Freedom
Worship is an essential part of our communion with God. There is a liberating freedom and tranquility that comes along with worship. We make it our priority to encourage members to draw nearer to God and build a strong bond with God through free worship. Through prayer, we have the power and ability to bind the devil. Here at Breakthrough, with prayer and fasting, we seek to help the weak become strong, the defeated victorious, make the unhealthy healthy, and renew old minds.
Choir & Instrumentalists:
This ministry is filled with boys and girls who have a torrid passion to praise The Lord with songs. They are trained with a strong foundation of the Word of God. Through their extensive practices, they are able to manifest the word of God through body movements, and songs of worship and praise. Their main goal is to help the congregation realize the importance of worship by singing openly about the love, mercy, and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Dance Ministry:
The dance ministry Vessels of Glory is headed by Missionary Cecilia Boateng. Choreographing and leading praise dances for special church events and programs, the youth use dance as a way to praise God. The core belief behind this ministry is to help the youth realize that their bodies are the temple of God. God dwells within, thus, when they use their bodies to praise and worship God, they are having a transcendent and intimate connection with their Loving Father and Maker.
Women’s Fellowship:
This ministry “Unforgettable Women Ministry” is headed by Minister Emelia Boateng, the wife of Pastor Benjamin Boateng. With a strong heart and dedication for the hurting, she provides emotional support to women dealing with physical and psychological pain. This ministry is filled with a new generation of devoted mothers, loving sisters, and faithful wives who yearn to give their lives as service to The Lord. The women in this ministry encourage and give love to one another by enforcing beliefs that would uplift and make them strong women of valor for The Lord.